Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a PC

The other week, they had a bit on "The Big Bang Theory" where they got new computers with the new Windows 7, and then commented "It's more user friendly.  I don't think I like that."
Oh, it's so funny because it's true!
However, despite my dislike for the all too user friendly Mac, my support for all things Windows has jumped a few notches in the past couple of weeks since Bill Gates decided to donate 5 and a half billion dollars to fund research aimed at combating global warming (so-called geoengineering), and on top of that, another 10 billion to help get vaccines to kids in developing countries.  What this means is that, unlike a large portion of the rest of the population, the Gateses (Bill and Melinda) clearly recognize that global warming is real and poses a real threat, and vaccines do not cause autism, but rather save lives.  It makes me so happy to see people doing good work based on good science!

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